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Ministries of Mercy

About the Ministries of Mercy

The network of the Ministries of Mercy focuses on Jesus’ call to reach those who are most vulnerable. The Diocese of Joliet practices the corporal works of mercy in tandem with the USCCB’s themes of Catholic social teaching, and collaborates with parishes, volunteers and organizations supported by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Relief Services. 

Respect Life

Crisis pregnancy support
Education and Advocacy
  • Resources for parish-based Respect Life Ministries
  • Seminars and Workshops
USCCB Resources

Network of Ministries of Mercy

Please see below for opportunities with our network of Ministries of Mercy.

Contact Us

Network of Ministries of Mercy [Accordion]

  • Provide resources to parishes regarding programs in their communities that provide direct assistance to families in need
  • Clothing the Homeless
  • DuPage PADS collection box locations in DuPage County

Facilitate Annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development collection and distribute local grants to area organizations living the message of USCCB’s seven themes of Catholic social teaching.


Assist parishes in networking with and supporting local shelter programs.
Find Shelter | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Educate and advocate

Educate and advocate for programs related to domestic violence and human trafficking.


Collaborate with immigrant communities and organizations.


Advocate for supportive housing for those with a mental illness or substance use disorders, as well as disabled community members.

Collaborate with and support organizations that provide physical and mental health services, including:

  • Utilize the network of parishes and clergy providing jail and prison ministry 
  • Provide additional training/advocacy/support to prison/jail ministry 
  • Support and advocate for families of those who are incarcerated
  • Support and provide resources for staff, parishes and parishioners facing the loss of loved ones through pregnancy loss, suicide and other complicated grief experiences