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Bishop Hicks Celebrates His 30th Anniversary of Ordination

Congratulations and blessings upon you, Bishop, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood.  On behalf of the Diocese of Joliet, we offer you our prayers and best wishes, but also our extreme gratitude.

So, thank you.

Thank you for listening to the call of the Holy Spirit over 30 years ago and saying yes to the priesthood.

Thank you for your ministry and service as a priest, a missionary disciple, a teacher, a seminary leader, a Vicar General, an Auxiliary Bishop: all preparing you and leading you to become the Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet 3-1/2 years ago.

Thank you for your leadership as our Bishop.  Those that work here closely with you get to see every day the courage, strength, hope, critical thinking, resolve, optimism, and commitment to God that you bring to every mass, every meeting, every decision, and every personal encounter.  All that you - do seven days a week - is for the true joy through Jesus Christ, for the salvation of souls, and for the glory of God. You exude this faith and joy with all your heart, mind, and soul.  You are the shepherd of this flock. We sheep follow you in the path you walk, guided by the Holy Spirit.  And as your sheep, we are uplifted and inspired by your love for God and your love for this Church.

Saint Oscar Romero, an Archbishop and martyr from El Salvador and one of your favorite saints, said, “Let us not tire of prevailing love; it is the force that will welcome the world. Let us not tire of prevailing love.”

Thank you for the beautiful force of the prevailing love you share with your flock and which you role model for the employees and ministers within this Diocese every day.

Congratulations, Bishop.  May God continue to bless you abundantly in the years ahead.

Click here to see the full video of the celebration!