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Contact Us

The Office of Child and Youth Protection (OCYP) is committed to supporting victims/survivors of abuse by church personnel. Victims/survivors have the right to report an allegation of abuse to civil authorities.

Our diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator is available to victims/survivors and their families to assist them through the reporting process both to civil authorities and to the diocese, as well as to coordinate efforts of pastoral support and outreach to assist in the healing process. We serve as advocates for victims/survivors, and greatly encourage them to share their stories.

Our office sets the standard for transparency across the Diocese of Joliet, and assists schools, parishes and diocesan agencies in building and maintaining trust with church personnel, parishioners and the community. We continue to work diligently to ensure all Diocese of Joliet environments remain safe and that all church personnel meet and adhere to our compliance requirements. Our compliance requirements include education for minors and adults, and a screening process for all adults who minister, work and volunteer with minors and vulnerable adults.

Adriana Cintrón, DSW, LCSW
Director, Office of Child and Youth Protection
Phone: (815) 221-6116
[email protected]

Lori Chassee
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: (815) 263-6467
[email protected]

Maria Turone
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (815) 221-6118
[email protected]

Dorothy Vodicka
Shared Administrative Assistant
Phone: (815) 221-6242
[email protected]

OCYP Helpdesk
[email protected]